

Page history last edited by Norman Jackson 14 years, 6 months ago

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Reward, Recognition, Engagement, Community, Creativity, Innovation and Wisdom 

‘the Seven Pillars of SCEPTrE Fellowship’


The Surrey Centre for Excellence in Professional Training and Education has been established to promote, identify and enable excellent teachers develop and expand the influence of excellent educational practices. SCEPTrE Fellows are talented education professionals who have received an award from the University of Surrey on the basis of a commitment to the further development of learning and teaching in line with SCEPTrE's educational mission. The Fellowship is helping people to develop new educational practices that provide students with experiences that will better prepare them for the complexities of an uncertain and continually challenging world.



SCEPTrE Fellows forge international links!

Tony (A SCEPTrE Fellow at Queensland University of Technology) came over from Australia for SCEPTrE's 2010 conference and got stranded by the Icelandic volcano. But he met up with Trevor (also a SCEPTrE Fellow),who was planning to travel to Australia to spread the word about his Fellowship. As a result Trevor was invited to spend some time at QUT with Tony and his colleagues.



James Heather wins national recognition through his Fellowship project


2010 Fellowship seminars

Philip Jackson seminar (video film)

Jane Leng Digital Story Telling Academy


2009 Fellowship seminars

Jane Leng seminar (video film)

Jenny Willis seminar (video film)

Janko Calic seminar (video film)

Peter Alcott seminar (video film)



David Carey


2008 Fellowship Seminars

Lindy Blair seminar (enhanced podcast)

Simon Usherwood seminar video - negotiated learning

George Allan enquiry learning video


Other information

SCEPTrE Newsletter with information about Fellowships November 2009  

Fellowship Newsletter November 2008          

Fellowship Festival November 2008



SCEPTrE Fellows are talented and committed education professionals who have received an award from the University of Surrey's, Centre for Excellence in Professional Training and Education. The Award is made on the basis of a commitment to the further development of learning and teaching in line with SCEPTrE's educational mission. The Fellowship is helping people to develop new educational practices that provide students with experiences that will better prepare them for the complexities of an uncertain and continually challenging world.


whole life learning



 Our vision of ‘whole life learning’ embraces the ideas of ‘life-long learning’, ‘life-wide-learning’ and ‘personal wellbeing’. It:


  • Embeds and connects academic, professional and personal development within the disciplinary curriculum
  • Encompasses formal and informal learning in the classroom, on work placement,  in paid or unpaid work, in extra-curricular settings and other aspects of life.
  • Sees professional training and the opportunity it provides to work in an appropriate professional environment as a key component of learner development.
  • Encourages students to actively participate in all the opportunities for learning that life has to offer and seeks to recognize and value the learning gained through this life-wide curriculum.


Pedagogic Themes

Fellows work creatively in a whole range of fields. The bar to the right of this page has links to individual Fellows. If you have an interest in one of the themes listed below, click here to be taken to some of the relevant Fellows and their work.


·         Work-based and placement experiences

·         Online, digital and ICT-enhanced learning

·         Emotional intelligence, whole-person learning and development

·         Enquiry-based learning

·         Peer, collaborative and supplementary learning

·         Supporting the learner

·         Creativity, design and research








Visitors since 28/09/09

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Visitors before 28/09/09  688



Comments (1)

lee-ann said

at 9:32 am on Aug 20, 2009

Hello all,

I'm a new SCEPTrE fellow working on a joint fellowship with Pat Colliety. We're looking at at having a PBwiki in the module as one of the learning activities. Have any of you used PBwiki in your modules before? Did you use the free version or did you subscribe? Would you have any tips/experiences to share with us? Thanks.

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